Sunday, January 06, 2008
Well, I did it! Okay, it's not quite done, but I just couldn't wait to show off my new template.

Plus, we're all home sick from church today and a girl's gotta have something to do while she waits for the Vitamin C to kick in!

Many, many thanks to the generous Mrs. Mecomber for help and hand holding!

I'm still working on it, getting the comments back up and not all my links are working, yet so bear with me. Comments working now!

Let me know how you like it! How are the colors?

Do they give you a headachache, look nice, hurt your eyes, or what?

Did I miss your link? Any thoughts

I think I'll be changing the header as well.. we shall see!


posted by Milehimama @ Mama Says at 1/06/2008 10:26:00 AM | Permalink | |