Self Righteousness, The American Way?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Father Powell does it again. He's got a great sermon up on Righteousness.

Here's a taste:
Despite decades of social engineering and the rule of political correctness, we are still diseased with racism, sexism, and any number of other “-ism’s” that tempt us to violate the dignity of God’s rational creatures.

As Christians, we would never use racial slurs, sexual smears, or any other sort of language that degrades or insults our fellow man. Do these imposed restraints produce good will? No. P.C. terms hide contempt, foster resentment, and encourage ridicule of those we ought to respect as children of the Father.


posted by Milehimama @ Mama Says at 6/12/2008 12:02:00 PM | Permalink | |