WFMW: Trusting God
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's time for Works for Me Wednesday again, and I thought I'd share something that definitely works for me: trusting in God's providence.
I was thinking about this recently as I answered some questions for Jennifer at Et Tu?, who is doing an interview series with "mega moms". It's hard for me to think of myself as someone qualified to give advice though - I think I'd be on the receiving end of a Titus 2 club, not the giving!
However, her question, and my answer, about having so many children close together really brought home the fact that we rely on God's providence - that He will provide what we need. This is not to say that He will provide brand new Reeboks and an iPod. But He will provide for our every need, and when we are generous with Him, He will be generous with us.
I really am amazed sometimes! A man my husband works with just lost everything in a kitchen fire. He's got three little girls, who wear the same clothing size as our little girls. We have so much abundance in people giving us their hand -me-downs, that I have two trashbags full of clothes to give them, and that's after going through and taking out clothes for our girls! I have another bag I need to take to Goodwill, full of boy clothes for a 7 year old. We have so many clothes given to us we can't possibly keep them all! Because we happen to be moving, I also gave them some dishes that I realized had been packed and unused for the last 9 months, and some towels and linens - things I wouldn't have thought of if I hadn't been trying to pack up the house. His timing is perfect!
My husband also has very often experiences pay raises or promotions when new babies arrive. With Baby X, he was home on disability with pay (but well enough to do most things) and was able to pick up a lot of the slack - a lifesaver since we don't have a lot of family close by and Baby X got sick his first week home.
We are currently in a pickle, looking for a new place to live. What should turn up this week? $1000, from three different sources and totally unexpected. God does take care of us if you let Him!
Fully Rely On God - Works for Me! Visit Shannon for more tips!
Labels: Catholic, Family Life, Works For Me Wednesday
posted by Milehimama @ Mama Says at 5/23/2007 08:35:00 AM | Permalink |