Total Eclipse of the .... Moon
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tomorrow there will be a total lunar eclipse, viewable from North America. Westerners will have the best view.

Perfect timing for us, as we are starting our "Universe" unit this week, studying the origin of the Universe and creation of Earth this week, the Solar System next week, and the Moon the week after. I was going to start our Moon observation journals today but I'm going to wait until Wednesday now.

Want more info?

Viewer's Guide from Yahoo! Yes, that's 5:30 am EASTERN time. Yes, I'm actually up at that time and so is Miss E, wanting to do school! Eclipses take several hours, and mid-eclipse is slated for 6:37 EDT. I can do that!

Moon Views
lots of info, including footage, modeling, and an educator's guide. Scroll down.

Observing and Photographing a Lunar Eclipse from Sky and Telescope Magazine

Nasa's Eclipse Page relax, it's very Mom friendly with lots of links and clear explanations.

Moon Observation Journal written in educationese, but with good overview for teachers with questions. I love the line " Suggest that they use their own vocabulary, expressions, and personal codes when recording entries to their journals." Personal code? Is that the same as "self directed spelling" or is that the same as "non-standard abbreviations"? Jargon cracks me up.

Well, I'm off to play with Cuisenaire rods complete some learner-led interactions using math manipulatives...


posted by Milehimama @ Mama Says at 8/27/2007 06:42:00 AM | Permalink | |