Welcome to Oz
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where the Lollipop Guild and Lullaby League are amply represented, and you'd better watch your kneecaps.

Rollcall, from Left to Right:
Me, Baby X, Husband Dear
Mr P, Miss E, Mr R
Miss V, Baby C, and Mr S.

Dressing everyone in the same color worked out well! I'm the one in the blue shirt ;)

**** UPDATED TO ADD ****
Barb asked how the p\hotographer did. He was excellent - we were done in record time! He used a turtle puppet and a stuffed fish and all of the ones he took came out with everyone looking at the camera. Our biggest problem was getting one with nobody's hands on their faces.
He would make the puppet talk or tell a joke and take the picture a split second after we said cheese. I think that made us look more natural.


posted by Milehimama @ Mama Says at 9/23/2007 06:46:00 PM | Permalink | |